2016. január 28., csütörtök

Remote Nunchuk Controller for the Nintendo Wii Sky - Jelenlegi ára: 1 600 Ft

Finally freed from cords and excessive buttons!
The wireless, motion-sensitive Wii Remote creates an intuitive and natural way of gaming.
The ergonomically designed controller responds to realistic, everyday movements.
This remote allows you to plunge into the game to go with natural movements.
In one game, the remote is a sword, in an other it is your golf club.
Nunchuk Controller for Wii Cable length: Approx 90cm Color: Sky blue Not on original brand product

Jelenlegi ára: 1 600 Ft
Az aukció vége: 2016-02-18 13:34 . Remote Nunchuk Controller for the Nintendo Wii Sky - Jelenlegi ára: 1 600 Ft

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